Recommended in Tel-Aviv
Rated 8.6
Our recommendations are based on information we collect on the internet. Our rating is objective and allows us to assure you (as far as we can) that you will not be disappointed by the hotels that pass our threshold.

Vert Azrieli Tel Aviv City Center

Vert Azrieli Tel Aviv City Center

A hotel inside the Azrieli Towers. Formerly Crowne Plaza City Center. The ideal place to combine a vacation with shopping and/or business in Tel-Aviv

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This hotel is recommended according to the following:

Rating according to chosen websites: 8.7 out of 10
Satisfaction probability: 90%
Major advantages: the hotel seems to be very comfortable
Dissatisfaction probability: 5%
Disadvantages: none were found
Ratings sampled: 3862
Last review date: 11/04/2024

General Information

In a nutshell: excellent business hotel
Star rating: not rated ☆
Address: Azrieli Towers Tel Aviv
Minimum price per night: $197

Additional information

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No. of Rooms





Swimming Pool




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