Recommended Hotels in Israel

Accessible Hotels


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  • Market House Hotel

    An accessible hotel rated 9.3 by our ranker.
    A boutique hotel in the heart of Jaffa close to the flea market. With easy access to the old city of Jaffa as well as the beach and Tel Aviv in general.
    Target Audience: Couples, Pet Friendly, Young People
    Style: Boutique, Chic
    Geography: Urban
    Swimming Pool: No Pool
    Spa: Inhouse Spa
    Kosher: Kosher
  • Alegra Hotel

    An accessible hotel rated 8.6 by our ranker.
    A boutique hotel that is suitable for a romantic vacation in Jerusalem. A nice place in the heart of Ein Kerem. The hotel does not have a pool and has no special restaurant, but there is an amazing and quiet atmosphere that cannot be replaced.
    Target Audience: Couples
    Style: Boutique
    Geography: Country
    Swimming Pool: No Pool
    Spa: Inhouse Spa
    Kosher: Kosher

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